Jim White, Dallas Founder of Restaurant Week, Talks about Its History
Following up on yesterday’s post about the history of Restaurant Week and its 1992 origins in NYC, Jim White offers some insight on how Restaurant Week began in Dallas:
Marianne Howells with KRLD noticed an ad for a restaurant week promotion in the New York Times in late 1996. It was tied to lunch, and the price was “$19.96” ($19.97 the next year and so on), with a portion going to charity. Marianne discussed this with me and we brainstormed the viability for Dallas. I was hosting “The KRLD Restaurant Show with Jim White” on 1080 AM. We decided that DINNER was a better fit for Dallas diners. We discussed the beneficiary, and I suggested the North Texas Food Bank. Marianne was agreeable. Jan Pruitt was thrilled. And, 13 years later, the “rest is history”, as they say.
Stephan Pyles was a BIG help in getting Restaurant Week going. He recruited a couple dozen chef pals to join the first year. We had to do some cajoling to convince the restaurants it was not a discount deal. It got easier year after year (less arm twisting). Now, restaurants can’t wait to get involved, and over 90 (out of 130 involved) will extend the promotion to 2 weeks (several will take it for 3, and I’m convinced some may do it ALL year–only kidding). It’s very good for business on a hot August night. Otherwise empty restaurants, and bored servers, are busy (and making money).
Over 85,000 meals were served last year. The goal is over 100,000 this year. Early on, the Lena Pope Home in Fort Worth was added as a second beneficiary so that the folks in Tarrant County would have more allegiance to the project. I hope this helps. I wrote a piece for my “Dinner Club” blog this week with more colorful details, which might give you additional insight. Thanks for your support of restaurant week. BTW, it’s now a registered trademark: KRLD Restaurant Week. I think it’s a cultural phenomenon now.
Always the Patron Saint of Restaurants, White adds this:
Please just remind people that if they make a reservation, PLEASE call the restaurant if they can’t make it.