Fearings at Ritz-Carlton Dallas launches late-night dinner series with guest chefs all summer

Fearing’s restaurant at the Ritz Carlton Dallas has started a summer monthly guest chef series with broad appeal for diners who want to eat and hang out late on a Saturday night but don’t want to go to a club.
The seated dinners kicked off last weekend with chef Anastasia Quinones from Mexican-inspired Jose restaurant alternating dishes with Fearing’s chef Mike Matis.
The five-course dinners begin at 9 p.m. with cocktails and passed snacks then progress to a long-table seated dinner whose cuisine focuses on a single culinary theme (this one was elevated Tex-Mex).
The $95 dinners included praiseworthy wine pairings from fearing’s somm Paul Botamer.
The next two dinners are set for July 19 with guest chef Nick Walker of Dallas restaurant CBD Provisions followed in mid-August with chef Peja Kristic of Mot Hai Ba and dessert chef Joe Baker.
Of course, chef Dean Fearing and his staff are there to make everyone feel special.
“It’s a way for us to expose a different crowd to our restaurant,” said Fearing. “A lot of people in their 20s and 30s like the idea of eating dinner late and staying out late, so we want to give them another reason to choose Fearing’s.”
Reservations can be made via telephone at 214-922-4848 or on Tock.