Next time you are stuck at Dallas City Hall, you’re also stuck with Dickey’s Barbecue

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit will take over the entire Dallas City Hall cafeteria this fall, where it will open and operate the building’s first full-menu and sit-down dining option.

City Hall inked the contract with the Dallas quick-serve barbecue company this week. The cafeterias-style resto will serve a full menu of its Texas-style barbecue, including breakfast and dessert. 

I certainly wouldn’t rank Dickey’s brisket, sausages, turkey or ribs highly, but they do seem to sell a lot. The company was founded in Dallas 77 years ago and has expanded to more than 500 locations.

The new restaurant is scheduled to open this fall and will operate from 7:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. In addition, city hall employees will be receive a 30% discount.