Lyft, Uber now require you and your driver to wear face masks, ride with the windows down
Lyft today announced that a new initiative to make passengers and drivers feel safer with rideshares.

Beginning this week, Lyft will require drivers and riders to wear face masks or coverings during rides. Additionally, Lyft says it will provide cleaning supplies and masks for drivers, provide health and safety education to employees and contractors, and require drivers and passengers to self-certify that they will wear face masks throughout the ride, are symptom-free, and will follow CDC and local guidelines related to COVID-19. Earlier this week, Uber announced similar plans to start requiring riders and drivers to wear face coverings.
Before using Lyft, every rider and driver must confirm that they will wear a face mask or covering, ride with the windows open “and avoid recirculated air when possible,” and passengers will not ride in the front seat.“Anyone who does not agree to the personal health certification will be unable to request a ride or drive with Lyft,” the company’s new policy says.
Before riding or driving, both riders and drivers will be prompted to confirm they will follow Lyft’s new personal health requirements. If a rider or driver repeatedly violates the order, their accounts will be subject to suspension.
“We believe being part of the Lyft community comes with shared responsibility,” Lyft VP of Global Operations Angie Westbrock said on a press call. “When you wear a mask, you’re demonstrating to someone that you care about them.”