Newest DFW Hudson House brings its lobster rolls and excellent cocktails to Las Colinas
The corner space that housed a Taco Diner until the pandemic lockdown is now a branch of Hudson House, a restaurant owned by Vandalay Hospitality.

The main dining room and its cocktail area seat roughly 140, but the shaded outdoor patio, with another 40 or so seats, is where you’ll want to spend the summer.
Hudson House specializes in casual, East Coast Americana dishes and what owner Vandalay recalls of the Hamptons: lobster rolls, oysters, a fish or two plus a double-stacked cheeseburger.
There’s also a raw bar that splits the cocktail area and the main dining room. The variety of oysters — a mix from East and West coasts— is excellent, but so is Hudson House’s frothy version of a rocks Margarita. Surprisingly, they pair very well together.