Zodiac Vodka enter Dallas market; Kacey Musgraves signing bottles at free VIP event on Monday, October 13

Dallas is ground zero next week for the Texas launch of Zodiac, a premium craft American potato vodka. Zodiac is distilled from Idaho potatoes and made using  Rocky Mountain water, so naturally Zodiac signed on with hot potato Kacey Musgraves, the Grammy-winning country artist, as their brand ambassador. Want to taste the vodka or meet Musgraves? She’ll be signing bottles of Zodiac at Spec’s (9500 North Central Expressway, Dallas)  on October 13 from 4:30 p.m.

And if you’d like the chance to hear her play at a private concert at The Rustic on the evening of October 13, Zodiac is giving away tickets to the event on Zodiac’s Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/zodiacvodka/app_143103275748075?ref=page_internal